Neighbours, Lynn and John informed me that a trip to Canada in winter is not complete without a visit to a hockey game - a Canadian Institution.9 To me hockey is the game they play on wet turf and certainly do not have skates on their feet - h! field hockey I am told, we are going to the "real hockey". I had noticed that it seems to figure a lot on t.v. and there are games going on all the time, so I did have an idea of it's place in the scheme of things.
Last night, it was off to Guelph, about a half hour journey, to see the local game. Last night was a special night, the Christmas Teddy Bear Toss night, and as we arrived there were people everywhere carrying all sorts of stuffed toys including Lynn with our bag of toys. The arena is in the centre of town in the middle of a shopping mall, and although the arena wasn't full capacity is 6,000) I think there were just under 4,000. It is quite a social event, everyone wanders around chatting and catching up. Popcorn and beer are the traditional fare, although all the usual sporting event foods are also available.
The Teddy Bear toss, has become a popular tradition at Christmas time in the local leagues, where the toys brought by the fans are all tossed onto the ice after the home team scores it's first goal. The toys are then donated to charities.
John and Lynn assure me that it was a very strange game, for the 1st two thirds, the visiting team, the Colts were in complete command scoring 6 goals, much to the delight of the two ladies sitting next to us and ringing their cow bells happily and frequently.
These games are noisy with frequent bursts of advertising and music during the down moments, which I admit I didn't understand, but I have never played hockey. The home crowd became more despondent and many left early.
Thanks Lynn and John.
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