The Machine:
I swear Richard must have the biggest snowblower on the block, other than the ride on type that is. The "Rolls Royce" of snowblowers maybe?
It was another drive clearing morning this morning, and as you can see I didn't do a particularly good job, but I am getting the hang of it.
I noticed Donalee, the neighbour out with a very compact ladies size blower, and George, over the road with a medium size blower, and then there is this one and me.
Naturally I picked exactly wrong moment to go out a-blowing, as the wind was a-blowing and the snow was swirling everywhere, add to that the snow being thrown into the air from the blower and I looked a little like a snowman in a red jacket chasing this machine down the drive. (The sun is now shining and not a breath of wind !) I now know what Nicole meant when she said you have to be careful in which direction you aim the snow chute, ..... all part of the learning curve. At least I can get it going, thanks to a good old power cord and I am learning to control it, sort of.
2 years ago
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