Cairns to Cooktown
Lynn was thrilled to be fording rivers,( well small creeks at this time of year) and to be bounced over the rough dirt track with the driver using 4 wheel drive on a number of occasions on the particularly steep inclines. But to all those serious 4 wheel drivers out there, it's really just a piece of cake.
There were some spectacular views of the coast line and it is a lovely part of the world. We were passed by many vehicles traveling back after the long journey up to the tip of Cape York - now that really is a 4 wheel drive trip!
Lunch was at the iconic Lions Den Hotel, a typical Aussie outback pub where the walls are covered in traveler's signature and "memorabilia" covers the walls, shelves and ceilings. There is so much "junk" that you could spend days checking it all out.
Then it was on to Cooktown, where James Cook was able to beach the Endeavour for repairs after they had hit the reef near Cape Tribulation. We went up to the lighthouse on Grassy Hill where you receive a magnificent view out over the reef and the Endeavour River and Cooktown itself.
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