And speaking of curtains...... they seem to have a slightly different use here, usually only as a frothy sort of window dressing. Most are so thin you could shoot peas through them, as my mum used to say. They don't keep out the light or form any sort of insulation. As there is a street light directly outside my window, I have improvised a little in the bedroom, as you can see. With all that light in the summer I had no hope of sleeping.
It does amaze me though, that everyone looked at me in amazement when I said we use curtains as a form of insulation, I haven't seen any here that are thick or have a reflective backing. Some houses have double glazing, but the majority don't and I would suggest that there are many where the wind whistles through all sorts of gaps. I have used a whole roll of Gaffa tape to block the holes.The curtains don't do a lot to insulate but they help.
2 years ago
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