Things in my depto might be starting to fall apart - the washing machine, the tiles lifting etc, and los perros still go ballistic with monotonous regularity, but I have Million Dollar Views. Which has made it all worth while.
You just have to look past the ugly buildings and backyards on the one side and the power lines and poles on the other and my vistas are absolutely spectacular. Every day is different and the mountains and colours are just spectacular. I have Mt Olivia and Los 5 Hermanos from the kitchen, and the Glacier Martial and the mountains in Chile on the other side. I can watch the storms coming in from Chile and the snow moving across the mountains, and of course observe life on the ground.
I have become almost obsessive with the camera and every day I am entranced by the changes - both from my windows and out and about. Sunrise and sunset are spectacular.
The flat above me, with the never sleeping nena, has even better views, as the power lines don't intrude,I got to go up and have a look when the tenants changed. But would you believe they never, and I mean never, open the curtains. One is pegged back half way and that's the most I have ever seen it. I don't think the bedroom ever sees the light of day.
Me, estoy enamorado con los colores y las vistas, and I can't get enough of them!
2 years ago
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