The kids here keep very different hours to we who are of good old British stock.
For one thing, school is either morning or afternoon in the public system. The morning classes starting at around 8.00 and going through till 12.00 or 12.30, then the afternoon session starting around 1.00 until 5.00 or 5.30 - all depending on the school. So there are always kids around, in shops and in the streets.
Then we get to bed times!!!! The kids are around all the time and seem to keep the same times as their parents. I guess if you don't eat till 9.00 or 10.00 at night you don't go to bed for another hour or two.
There is a nena upstairs who is probably 8ish, and I would say there are very few nights that she is in bed before me. Most nights she is still running around at 11.30. Often she and her mother are not home until 11.00.
Now I know why I never wanted to live in a flat, it was much quieter when my upstairs neighbour was a mostly single male. Enough said!
2 years ago
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